Thursday, February 3, 2011

Benefits Of Resume Screening Software

In any organization, recruitment of new candidates is a continuous and ongoing process. On the similar lines, it is very challenging as well as tedious task. Basically, the human resource department of any firm is responsible to undertake this important task. Employees are considered to be the actual representatives of any company. So, hiring well qualified and eligible candidates who will help in achieving overall success and development of the organization is a crucial matter of concern.

In order to simplify the job of human resource managers, one can make use of resume screening software in their functioning. It is basically the application software comprised of various modules that takes care of incoming resumes of candidates, who apply against any job vacancy.

Key benefits of resume screening software are-

  • With the effective use of this software, the HR managers can minimize their efforts towards this work so that they can pay attention to other equivalent and important responsibilities.

  • This software has got huge database to store thousands of resumes into it, acquiring every single required detail from resume.

  • In addition, the software can extract information from resume, may it be in any data format .txt, .doc, .PDF and many more existing forms and save it in desired format.

  • The software is user friendly and also easy to install, moreover once installed it can frequently be updated as per availability of new versions.

  • It can be accessed through various access points also; it can be protected from unauthorized usage by assigning a unique password.

  • The resume screening software enables to sort out the resumes as per the requirement of company’s job profile, and save the desired ones and reject the unwanted profiles.

In all this process, it saves plenty of valuable time of HR executives and proves cost effective. May it be small or big firm, it is recommendable to employ this software at usage to get effective management of available human resources of organization.

1 comment:

  1. useful information you have provided here..This s/w will really help for all companies to reduce their timing during the time of recruitment.keep updating such new innovative idea to us.
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